Set 1: Let's Get Down to Business, Holden Oversoul, Weak Brain, Narrow Mind, Machine, Barstools and Dreamers, Wondering, Pickin' Up the Pieces, Thought Sausage, Love Tractor, Henry Parsons Died
Set 2: Give, Pigeons, Blue Indian, Happy Child, Dyin' Man, Arleen, Drums, Ain't Life Grand, Pilgrims, Tall Boy
Encore: End of the Show
Set 1
Let's Get Down to Business
Holden Oversoul
Widespread Panic
Weak Brain, Narrow Mind
Willie Dixon
Widespread Panic
Barstools and Dreamers
Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic
Pickin' Up the Pieces
Widespread Panic
Thought Sausage
Widespread Panic
Love Tractor
Widespread Panic
Henry Parsons Died
Set 2