Set One: Space Wrangler, Henry Parsons Died, Pickin' Up the Pieces, Heroes, Worry, Mercy, Jam, Havin' a Ball, Pigeons, Wondering
Set One: Low Rider, Walkin' (For Your Love), Papa's Home, Little Kin, Weight of the World, Pilgrims, Postcard, West Virginia, Ain't Life Grand, Makes Sense to Me, The Take Out, Porch Song
Encore: Holden Oversoul
Set One
Set One
Low Rider
Walkin' (For Your Love)
Widespread Panic
Papa's Home
Widespread Panic
Little Kin
Widespread Panic
Weight of the World
Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic
Widespread Panic
West Virginia
Widespread Panic
Ain't Life Grand
Widespread Panic
Makes Sense to Me
Widespread Panic
The Take Out
Widespread Panic
Porch Song
Widespread Panic